Clues in Twos is the speedy party game of quirky clues where you can really let your imagination run wild… two words at a time!
In the game everybody has 90 seconds to write up to 10 TWO-WORD clues to describe 10 things. Then swap your clues with another player and guess what they are trying to describe. You both win points for correct guesses.
If you like word games and/or Six Second Scribbles the chances are you’re going to love this one!
Inspired by a posh crab?!
Our inspiration for this game came when our friend Elliot perfectly described a lobster as a posh crab. Amazingly that happened about 10 years ago! And ever since then, every time I’ve seen a lobster I’ve seen a posh crab!
We’ve been trying to figure out how to make a game using his two word genius and Clues in Twos is it! Elliott set an epic benchmark for the perfect clue and showed us that less is always more!